Tuna Module
Marine Version
Mahinga Kai
Oyster Test
1.1 Identify the scientific name of the oyster species.
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1.2 Describe the distinguishing features of each oyster species. Range evidence of two features is required.
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1.3 Describe the habitat of each oyster species. Range depth in sub-tidal, height in inter-tidal range, tolerance to low salinity.
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1.4 Describe the geographical location of each oyster species.
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2.1 Locate and identify the anatomical features of an oyster.
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2.2 Describe the function of each anatomical feature.
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3.1 Describe the stages of the life cycle of the oyster species and what occurs at each stage.
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3.2 Describe the feeding method and food source at each life cycle stage.
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3.3 Describe what occurs at each stage of the reproductive cycle. Range gonad development, natural triggers for spawning.
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4.1 Describe the methods of measuring the growth of the oyster. Range two methods.
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4.2 Describe factors that can affect the growth, and the impact of each factor on the growth of the oyster species. Range growth factors may include but are not limited to – water temperature, water quality, food quality, food availability, oyster age, stress; evidence of at least four factors is required.
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5.1 Describe abnormal features and/or behaviours that could indicate a potential health issue with the oyster species. Range evidence of five abnormal features and/or behaviours is required.
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5.2 Describe the action to take if abnormal features and/or behaviours are identified and the reasons why the action is important.
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Tuna Module
Marine Version
Mahinga Kai